Can You Gig With a Fender Blues Junior

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Blues Jr... TOO LOUD for gig!

  • Thread starter Vindibona1
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  • #1
I can't imagine ever saying this, but last Sunday I had to play along with a 65 piece concert band, including a full drum set and bass guitar. I brought my only decent amp, my Blues Jr Tweed. Initially the MD wanted the amp in front and I told him that it would best blend if it were positioned at the back of the group. And so it was.

So comes rehearsal sound check time and I set it as I normally would. Tone knobs straight up. Master all the way up and go to dial in the volume and a level 3 was too loud! You can't imagine the reaction at first. I was kind of surprised myself. I ended up having to compromise on the Master and put it on 5 and the volume on 3 so the guitar would sit in the mix and used a Soul Food pedal for solo boost. And this is after I swapped out the 12AX7 tube in V1 to 12AY7 for more headroom. That is part of the key. If you change out the tube the preamp won't hit the amp section so hard and you can crank more clean volume out.

So those of you who are contemplating buying a Blues Jr wondering if it will be loud enough? Check it out first before dismissing it. And those that say it sounds "boxy"... You're not setting it correctly.

  • #2
So those of you who are contemplating buying a Blues Jr wondering if it will be loud enough? Check it out first before dismissing it. And those that say it sounds "boxy"... You're not setting it correctly.
Thank you, and I agree.
  • #3
i wonder if putting a less efficient speaker in it would help.
  • #4
Yep Blues JNR is LOUD! Our rythm guitarist uses one and it hangs with my Bugera V22 Head and 2x12 cab easily.

I think the key to it is the frequencies as it really cuts through the mix. I might try one but so far I've never been happy with a single 12 combo :( not enough tight bass for me

  • #5
They are deceivingly loud for their size and rating.
  • #6
They are deceivingly loud for their size and rating.
so is the ac4. the guy building my tele has a first year blues jr. he is in n georgia and tomorrow im going there to pick the tele up. im going to take my ac4 so maybe ill do a side by side and compare the two......and maybe get a vid.
Will Lefeurve
  • #9
he told me the other day he has never changed the tubes in that thing, so im taking the three preamp and two of the power tubes from my ac30 to him. they dont have many hours on them at all.

Well I've changed them once, but to be honest I don't think they needed changing. They got changed when I had the tube sockets in the board re-soldered.

Its been such a good amp the BJ, and I've had a few good amps pass through my hands over the years. She's a bit battered now, and her Tweed's a bit scruffy (mine wasn't lacquered) but I'll never let it go. Does the job admirably, despite the naysayers. Boxy for me is just more internet talk..

  • #10
Yeah, I saw a guy using one at a mexican restaurant and it sounded awesome. The band was too loud for anyone to talk to each other, but I wasn't complaining.
  • #11
Well I've changed them once, but to be honest I don't think they needed changing. They got changed when I had the tube sockets in the board re-soldered.

Its been such a good amp the BJ, and I've had a few good amps pass through my hands over the years. She's a bit battered now, and her Tweed's a bit scruffy (mine wasn't lacquered) but I'll never let it go. Does the job admirably, despite the naysayers. Boxy for me is just more internet talk..

here is his bj.....i played through it many years ago and didnt really think much of it, but my tastes have changed.....hell, i might like it now.
Kerry Brown
  • #13
Turn down the pickup volumes on the guitar. I run my Pro Junior at 3/4 on the volume and use the guitar volume to tailor the loudness and breakup for the venue and the song.
  • #14
A music director told a guitarist to turn down?
I don't believe it.
Mr. Lumbergh

Mr. Lumbergh

needs you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too.
  • #15
A music director told a guitarist to turn down?
I don't believe it.

There's a first time for everything.


The Strat Dude
  • #16
The proper response when being told to turn down is?......


  • #17
The proper response when being told to turn down is?......


… or should that be 'WWHHAAAAAT'?


I appreciate, therefore I am...
  • #18
i wonder if putting a less efficient speaker in it would help.
A Fender Champ AA764 going into a 12" extension cab should do the trick...


  • #19
I use my BJR NOS Tweed in my band exclusively. The only mod I did was a speaker swap to an Eminence Red, White & Blues. Made a huge difference. My drummer is constantly telling me to turn down. Funny thing, he has a heavy hand and I'm never above 3 volume wise. That amp is awesome!
  • #20
I can't imagine ever saying this, but last Sunday I had to play along with a 65 piece concert band, including a full drum set and bass guitar. I brought my only decent amp, my Blues Jr Tweed. Initially the MD wanted the amp in front and I told him that it would best blend if it were positioned at the back of the group. And so it was.

So comes rehearsal sound check time and I set it as I normally would. Tone knobs straight up. Master all the way up and go to dial in the volume and a level 3 was too loud! You can't imagine the reaction at first. I was kind of surprised myself. I ended up having to compromise on the Master and put it on 5 and the volume on 3 so the guitar would sit in the mix and used a Soul Food pedal for solo boost. And this is after I swapped out the 12AX7 tube in V1 to 12AY7 for more headroom. That is part of the key. If you change out the tube the preamp won't hit the amp section so hard and you can crank more clean volume out.

So those of you who are contemplating buying a Blues Jr wondering if it will be loud enough? Check it out first before dismissing it. And those that say it sounds "boxy"... You're not setting it correctly.

Okay as much as I might not seem to like these I kind of kid a bit on how much they I cant stand them....they are pretty good tone wise and decent, these will keep up with any band or anything short of a stadium......

They are friggin loud as hell. A cranked one can make a Twin Reberb Blush in how much power these suckers have.

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